Toowoomba Floods

The rain keeps falling. Yesterday Monday 10th January 2011 at approx. 2:30pm Toowoomba, QLD was a victim of flash flooding. So far it is rumored 8 people are dead and 75 people are missing.

The top of the range received about 115ml of water in a few short hours. The surrounding towns have been evacuated and most are completely flooded. Nearby towns of Withcott and Darby have been unindated with up to 20 metres of water. Houses at Heildon are underwater.

We experienced water lapping at our front door but shortly after the rain eased the waters dissappeared. We have been lucky so far. Unlike many others. Toowoomba is completely cut off as is Brisbane and many of the Eastern cities and North NSW Coast.

My prayers go out to all those you have been severely affected by this horrible disaster. At a time like this, I can’t help but cast my thoughts towards the heavens. Makes me wonder just how much more we are yet to endure as the nearing of our Saviour comes.