When it all falls into place

It’s been a while since my last blog.  I’ve been busy with… scrap that. To say I’ve been busy would be a lie. I’ve been keeping myself occupied with the planning stages of setting up a small business. It seems that after working on a business plan for what was originally a class assignment, it is turning into a good business oportunity. I never realised that the initial stages could be quite time-consuming. It’s also proven to be rather daunting as I go through the process of working out the finer details.

My business idea is to operate a pamper cruise. In September I bit the bullet and decided to go ahead with starting my own business and registered a business name. I named my business Tender Touch Massage Therapy? What do you think? Well I guess it doesn’t really matter what you think because I like it. I think it reflects on how I perceive massage should be. I believe that you should be able to obtain the same outcome as one would obtain in a traditional remedial style massage without the associated pain. Hence why I called myself Tender Touch. Anyway, I now have a registered business and I am excited about the months to come as I prepare to launch my idea to the world.

This week I had an appointment with Sue, the owner of the boat I have chosen to charter for my business. She has been very friendly and accommodating to my requests and ideas. So far I have run the idea by her and left her with the proposed cruise dates. After she has checked her availability, I’ll hopefully hear back from her soon to confirm my bookings and then all systems will be go. 

This week I have also been conversing with a graphic designer who will be working on my logo concept and I placed an order for uniforms. So with one step at a time all things will be possible. There is still so much more to do before this little idea turns into a reality. Financing needs to be established to cover start-up costs, then I need to hire staff and work on an advertising and marketing strategy. Hopefully as I tackle each task all will eventually fall into place.

I look forward to the financial freedom it will offer and the ability to spend time with my son who has struggled emotionally while I have been studying the past 2 years. I’m doing all this for you my darling.

Addicted to Vistaprint

Last week I received an email from vistaprint offering free products. I’ve used vistaprint before in past business attempts but this time my experience has been extremely different. This time I feel as though I’ve got a lot to gain if I can operate a successful business.

I thought to myself “what is the harm in looking?” So I followed the link and started playing around with a few different designs and came up with one that I’m happy with. I’m someone who has always liked stationary and to see all the options available to me was a little overwhelming. There were so many items I could use to help advertise and operate my little business. Still being a student and a single mum on a limited income I don’t really have an advertising budget yet. I devised a way to get as many free items as I could. All I have to pay is for postage.

I’m in love with freebies. But I can’t help but wonder how this company can afford to give so many products away for free. Surely people like me who only order the ‘FREE STUFF’ can’t be good for business? But I’ve managed to walk away with hundreds of dollars worth of product for very little. I’m so excited I can’t wait for everything to be delivered so I can just get my hands on it and admire it all.

I want to place another order claiming more free stuff but with an addictive personality like mine is it wise to fork out more money than I can afford right now? But then my own argument back to myself is, that you have to spend money to make it. My business needs recognition and I need to get advertising material to help promote it.

I ask the question; can you ever have too much stationary?