Daily Devotions

I’ve been reading for a while a devotional for women. I must say it is a great book. On many occasions the daily reading has been very appropriate for the events or feelings I’ve experienced that day.

Yesterday was all about asking God to give me patience…..NOW!!  With all the rain that has been falling over the past few weeks, the kids have not enjoyed being cooped up in the house during the holidays. I feel for them, I know they are bored but my patience has worn pretty thin with all the squealing and fighting that has been going on.  What makes it harder is that Dylan and I are away from home and not in our usual surroundings.

I have also experienced impatience in another matter. I’ve been in communication with a guy on the internet. At the beginning as I was all caught up in the excitement of something new, I willed the relationship to be something more than it really was. I want to quote a passage from my devotional, “We humans beings are impatient by nature. We know what we want, and we know exactly when we want it: NOW! But, God knows better. He has created a world that unfolds according to His plans, not our own.” Now, with God’s help I have managed to calm down and see the relationship for what it is.  Just an opportunity to get to know someone great, who loves God and seems to have his perspectives in the right place.

Which leads me right into today’s reading of maintaining perspective. “it is important to look at things from God’s point of view.”1 Corinthians 4:6.

If we can form the habit of focusing on God’s priorities, then it opens the doors for many possibilities. When we achieve this, we soon discover that we spend less time worrying about the challenges we face and more time praising God for His gifts. This comment rings true to my heart. I spend a lot of time worrying and trying to control the things that happen in my life. I am having to learn to lay all my worries at the feet of Jesus and let Him direct my steps and calm my fears.

I’m not so worried now about finding a husband. If it is God’s will for me then I must have faith that it will happen…… In His time! If not, then I also have to trust that He has something greater in mind for me. I’ve been learning from Rick Warren, “The Purpose Driven Life” that we were created for His purpose and as soon as we discover that purpose, the sooner we start living for God and not ourselves.

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