Whats in a dream?

I don’t know if many of you out there in cyberspace can relate to this, but I love sleeping. Not for the purpose of replenishing my energy or because that is what one does at night time. No, I love to sleep so I can dream. I would have  to honestly say that I dream most nights and strangely enough can remember a good percentage of them. There is a small percentage of those where I don’t remember the details but I am left with an unexplainable feeling, suggesting that maybe if I tried hard enough I might remember what it was about.

Anything can happen in a dream. I can be anyone or thing, go places that only exsist in my wildest dreams. Sometimes I have the courage to say and do things that in real life I wouldn’t dare. Other times I dream about something inspiring and incitful, possibly a message from my Creator. Then there is my favourite kind of dream where I get to experience the kind of love and passion that reality has not offered me.

It is there that I mostly see a faceless man who woo’s me and makes me feel so loved and desired. A man who is strong, yet gentle and caring. A man who loving and forgiving, who accepts me and accepts of all my past failures. A man who makes me feel whole.

I know what I want in a man. I’ve dreamt about him for so long now. Have I ruined my chances of ever finding true happiness because I’ve dreamt about a man who doesn’t exist? Have I made unreal expectations that would be impossible to meet? Or is it possible that the man of my dreams is out there somewhere?

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