Post Removal

Due to some hate messages I’ve received, I decided to remove my previous post about Home Free titled “star crazed”.

When I write these posts I don’t write them for an intended audience. I write them to get stuff out of my head. I don’t proclaim anything as fact, I just write what I’m thinking/feeling and with the knowledge I have at the time of writing the post.

To be honest the hate messages have put me into a bit of a slump and I’m not sure even Home Free can get me out of it at the moment.

Daily Devotions

I’ve been reading for a while a devotional for women. I must say it is a great book. On many occasions the daily reading has been very appropriate for the events or feelings I’ve experienced that day.

Yesterday was all about asking God to give me patience…..NOW!!  With all the rain that has been falling over the past few weeks, the kids have not enjoyed being cooped up in the house during the holidays. I feel for them, I know they are bored but my patience has worn pretty thin with all the squealing and fighting that has been going on.  What makes it harder is that Dylan and I are away from home and not in our usual surroundings.

I have also experienced impatience in another matter. I’ve been in communication with a guy on the internet. At the beginning as I was all caught up in the excitement of something new, I willed the relationship to be something more than it really was. I want to quote a passage from my devotional, “We humans beings are impatient by nature. We know what we want, and we know exactly when we want it: NOW! But, God knows better. He has created a world that unfolds according to His plans, not our own.” Now, with God’s help I have managed to calm down and see the relationship for what it is.  Just an opportunity to get to know someone great, who loves God and seems to have his perspectives in the right place.

Which leads me right into today’s reading of maintaining perspective. “it is important to look at things from God’s point of view.”1 Corinthians 4:6.

If we can form the habit of focusing on God’s priorities, then it opens the doors for many possibilities. When we achieve this, we soon discover that we spend less time worrying about the challenges we face and more time praising God for His gifts. This comment rings true to my heart. I spend a lot of time worrying and trying to control the things that happen in my life. I am having to learn to lay all my worries at the feet of Jesus and let Him direct my steps and calm my fears.

I’m not so worried now about finding a husband. If it is God’s will for me then I must have faith that it will happen…… In His time! If not, then I also have to trust that He has something greater in mind for me. I’ve been learning from Rick Warren, “The Purpose Driven Life” that we were created for His purpose and as soon as we discover that purpose, the sooner we start living for God and not ourselves.

Toowoomba Floods

The rain keeps falling. Yesterday Monday 10th January 2011 at approx. 2:30pm Toowoomba, QLD was a victim of flash flooding. So far it is rumored 8 people are dead and 75 people are missing.

The top of the range received about 115ml of water in a few short hours. The surrounding towns have been evacuated and most are completely flooded. Nearby towns of Withcott and Darby have been unindated with up to 20 metres of water. Houses at Heildon are underwater.

We experienced water lapping at our front door but shortly after the rain eased the waters dissappeared. We have been lucky so far. Unlike many others. Toowoomba is completely cut off as is Brisbane and many of the Eastern cities and North NSW Coast.

My prayers go out to all those you have been severely affected by this horrible disaster. At a time like this, I can’t help but cast my thoughts towards the heavens. Makes me wonder just how much more we are yet to endure as the nearing of our Saviour comes.

When it rains it pours

Those who know me well, will know that I’ve been single for quite some time. Part of that reason is because I personally chose to be on my own, the other reasons are due to the lack of availability of single men.

To be fair & honest my being single may be a result of my being picky. I’ve only ever truly loved one man in my life. And I knew in the first 3 weeks that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. 12 years have passed, obviously that relationship didn’t work out. It took me a long time and numerous counseling sessions to not only accept this but realize that I had convinced myself all these years that I was still in love with him.

I became aware that what was really holding me back was my being in love with the idea of being in love. ( if that makes sense?) My perception of how a man should make me feel was something I had created, therefore ruining any chance of being able to experience love with someone else.

Hollywood could be somewhat to blame. I am a sucker for a good romance story. Has this left me with unrealistic expectations?

Anyway, the real point to my story is to do with 2 men. As I previously mentioned, I’ve been single for a long time now. I can’t say I’ve received a lot of male attention in the past but in recent weeks I have had not 1 but 2 men interested in me.

Two so completely different men. One man is someone who is a return from my past. I’m not really interested in him and I know that he could quite easily influence me to give in to my bad habits.

The other guy is someone who I met while on a mission trip with P3:18. To be honest I didn’t really take any notice of him while on the trip because I had my eye on someone else. I had prayed to God requesting I meet the man he had planned for me on this trip. I went on to assume maybe that wasn’t his plan.

I’m getting to an age now where I feel if I don’t break down the walls around my heart and open my eyes to see a person for who they are on the inside,then I may miss the opportunity and live the rest of my life alone.

I need to remember to put my faith in God, may he guide me and allow me to let down my walls to allow someone to love me.

Painful blogging

Tonight I had intentions of only writing one blog. The words seemed to flow rather easily until my internet connection dropped out and I lost everything I had typed after the first paragraph. My last blog took at least a dozen attempts and this is no lie. I was getting frustrated more and more every minute.

Who would have thought in this day and age with the advanced technology that is available that I would still have to experience my internet connection dropping out? The amount of money spent on telecommunications, I expect something alittle more reliable.

Come on tele companies, pull your finger out and provide us with a service that we deserve.  At the very least provide us with a service that we pay for.

When it all falls into place

It’s been a while since my last blog.  I’ve been busy with… scrap that. To say I’ve been busy would be a lie. I’ve been keeping myself occupied with the planning stages of setting up a small business. It seems that after working on a business plan for what was originally a class assignment, it is turning into a good business oportunity. I never realised that the initial stages could be quite time-consuming. It’s also proven to be rather daunting as I go through the process of working out the finer details.

My business idea is to operate a pamper cruise. In September I bit the bullet and decided to go ahead with starting my own business and registered a business name. I named my business Tender Touch Massage Therapy? What do you think? Well I guess it doesn’t really matter what you think because I like it. I think it reflects on how I perceive massage should be. I believe that you should be able to obtain the same outcome as one would obtain in a traditional remedial style massage without the associated pain. Hence why I called myself Tender Touch. Anyway, I now have a registered business and I am excited about the months to come as I prepare to launch my idea to the world.

This week I had an appointment with Sue, the owner of the boat I have chosen to charter for my business. She has been very friendly and accommodating to my requests and ideas. So far I have run the idea by her and left her with the proposed cruise dates. After she has checked her availability, I’ll hopefully hear back from her soon to confirm my bookings and then all systems will be go. 

This week I have also been conversing with a graphic designer who will be working on my logo concept and I placed an order for uniforms. So with one step at a time all things will be possible. There is still so much more to do before this little idea turns into a reality. Financing needs to be established to cover start-up costs, then I need to hire staff and work on an advertising and marketing strategy. Hopefully as I tackle each task all will eventually fall into place.

I look forward to the financial freedom it will offer and the ability to spend time with my son who has struggled emotionally while I have been studying the past 2 years. I’m doing all this for you my darling.

Addicted to Vistaprint

Last week I received an email from vistaprint offering free products. I’ve used vistaprint before in past business attempts but this time my experience has been extremely different. This time I feel as though I’ve got a lot to gain if I can operate a successful business.

I thought to myself “what is the harm in looking?” So I followed the link and started playing around with a few different designs and came up with one that I’m happy with. I’m someone who has always liked stationary and to see all the options available to me was a little overwhelming. There were so many items I could use to help advertise and operate my little business. Still being a student and a single mum on a limited income I don’t really have an advertising budget yet. I devised a way to get as many free items as I could. All I have to pay is for postage.

I’m in love with freebies. But I can’t help but wonder how this company can afford to give so many products away for free. Surely people like me who only order the ‘FREE STUFF’ can’t be good for business? But I’ve managed to walk away with hundreds of dollars worth of product for very little. I’m so excited I can’t wait for everything to be delivered so I can just get my hands on it and admire it all.

I want to place another order claiming more free stuff but with an addictive personality like mine is it wise to fork out more money than I can afford right now? But then my own argument back to myself is, that you have to spend money to make it. My business needs recognition and I need to get advertising material to help promote it.

I ask the question; can you ever have too much stationary?

Business Planning

What does it take to build a successful business? I’m in the process of planning to start my own business in the massage industry. It’s fun and exciting but also very daunting. To start-up any business takes vision and dedication. And the biggest downfall is the start-up costs. There is no guarantee that my business will be booming straight off the starting block.

How do people get their name ‘out there’ in big shiny lights so their business is recognised by the public? What is the secret to drawing in the consumers?

My biggest worry in venturing out and starting my own business rather than working for someone else is that there is no regular income to rely on. What if business is slow, how do I support my family and afford life’s simple pleasures? Life could be tough for the first few months.

I guess I need to think about things more thoroughly. I need to make sure I am as organised as I can be so everything can run smoothly. Of course there is no getting ahead in life without God by your side, leading the way. Only HE has full control of how life pans out; whether my business will be successful or a flop. When worry sets in and holds you down, the best advise anyone can give is “lay all your worries and fears before the LORD”

This weekend I spent a few hours designing business stationary and placed an order with Vistaprint. Most items I managed to get for free and in the end I got over $200 worth of product and only had to pay for postage. I’m pretty happy with my purchases as it keeps the out of hand expenses to a minimum. I also set up a website which I think looks pretty good. All I need to do now is figure out how to market it so it can be found.

If anyone reads this blog, please do me a favour. Follow the link and visit my website. If you like it please share it with your family and friends.

Thank you in advance,


Whats in a dream?

I don’t know if many of you out there in cyberspace can relate to this, but I love sleeping. Not for the purpose of replenishing my energy or because that is what one does at night time. No, I love to sleep so I can dream. I would have  to honestly say that I dream most nights and strangely enough can remember a good percentage of them. There is a small percentage of those where I don’t remember the details but I am left with an unexplainable feeling, suggesting that maybe if I tried hard enough I might remember what it was about.

Anything can happen in a dream. I can be anyone or thing, go places that only exsist in my wildest dreams. Sometimes I have the courage to say and do things that in real life I wouldn’t dare. Other times I dream about something inspiring and incitful, possibly a message from my Creator. Then there is my favourite kind of dream where I get to experience the kind of love and passion that reality has not offered me.

It is there that I mostly see a faceless man who woo’s me and makes me feel so loved and desired. A man who is strong, yet gentle and caring. A man who loving and forgiving, who accepts me and accepts of all my past failures. A man who makes me feel whole.

I know what I want in a man. I’ve dreamt about him for so long now. Have I ruined my chances of ever finding true happiness because I’ve dreamt about a man who doesn’t exist? Have I made unreal expectations that would be impossible to meet? Or is it possible that the man of my dreams is out there somewhere?